Lead a Watch
How to join the ICEJ Rosh Chodesh Prayer Chain to lead a time of prayer
A global movement of prayer from every tribe, tongue, and Nation of this world to be united in intercession for an outpouring of the Spirit of God in Israel and the Nations. Aligning with the times and seasons God has set out in His Word.
Pastors, Prayer Leaders, and Intercessors from more than 85 Nations present their Nations before the Lord each month, aligning with God’s plans and purposes for Israel by taking their stand as watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem and praying for an outpouring of the Spirit of God over the Nations of the earth (Joel 2:28).
Let us pray that God will complete his work by the Holy Spirit in the land of Israel at this time.

Prayer Points:
Global Awakening (awakening in your country, in your ministry, in your personal life)
An outpouring of the Spirit of God over Israel
If you share this vision and would like to organize a group (at least 3-5 intercessors) to lead a time of prayer from your Nation, please send us your request.